The environment is a broad term representing the entire systems that prevail on earth. Quality of environment has always been the back bone for the existence, survival, and progress of humanity on the earth. Today’s world is completely different from what it was before. In the present progressive world environment is facing a grave danger of continuous destruction on large scale as has never been witnessed in the history of mankind. Advances in human’s knowledge and technology resulted into a competitive world, making man the only selfish master at whose behest the entire earth lives. The victim of maladaptive behavior of man has always been the environment (Maloney etal.,1973), resulting in numerous environmental problems. There are various problems which the environment is facing today such as deforestation, industrialization, vehicular pollution to name a few that pose a severe threat to human and environment health. And when nature strikes back in the form of environmental catastrophes such as huge destruction and challenges like climate change, global warming, ozone depletion, destruction of ecosystems,floods, extinction of species, man was forced to ponder and reconsider about the ultimate importance and magnitude of environmental wellbeing (Gupta etal., 2004). By considering the importance of environmental conservation, most of countries have included the issues of environmental protection in their political agendas and frame works, separate environmental ministries and departments are created so as to have a close monitoring and protection of environment.

Worldwide environmental awareness started in 1972 after the Stockholm conference. The main aim of the conference was to make the world aware of degradation of environment and what remedies are possible to solve the environmental problem. The conference felt the need that every individual should be aware of the environmental problems and issues so that they can force the government to take actions. This is possible only when each and every individual are educated. In the present scenario environment has been conceptualized through every possible way because people have now become conscious about the complex relationship between man and environment. It becomes mandatory and of utmost importance to create environmental awareness among common masses especially from the stage of school days (Watts, 2011).

People must be aware about the environmental problems such as global warming, ozone depletion, waterborne diseases and other visible disturbances in environment. Without awareness it is not possible to enjoy quality life on earth (Nastasi et al., 1991). World educators and environmental specialists have repeatedly pointed out that a solution to environmental crisis will require an environmental awareness and its proper understanding (Shobeiri etal., 2007).

Environmental awareness defined as the sum total of responses that people make to various thematic aspects of the construct environmental education is basically the knowledge and understanding of facts and concepts related to environment and consequences of various environmental problems like pollution, population explosion, deforestation, ecological disruption, energy crisis, etc. and thus is the ultimate driving force that stimulates knowledge on environmental matters. The power behind the awareness are divided into three categoriesi.e. basic beliefs of an environmental problem, factual and scientific knowledge and a commitment to solve environmental problems (Hansmann, 2009). Hence measures must be taken by individuals, government agencies, and non-government agencies to spread the awareness about the importance of environment and the problems faced by environment in present scenario.