The global phenomenon of global warming is observed since decades and there are lot of organisations and individuals working to combat global Warming. Global warming can be defined as increase in the average temperature of earth’s atmosphere. Global warming is human induced and is caused by addition in greenhouse gases in atmosphere, these greenhouse gases include mainly Carbon dioxide, Methane, Waterpot, Nitrous oxide and Chlorofluorocarbons that lead to adsorption of long radiations that are emitted or reflected back by the earth’s surface. Nitrous oxide is not only the greenhouse gas but also the ozone destroyer. The aerosols like Black carbon also contributes to global warming and have excessive warming potential than carbon dioxide. There are lot of impacts of global warming on nature and includes.

Increase in Air and Water Temperature, Water Scarcity, wildlife fires, increased rise in sea level, floods, droughts, early migrations of birds and fishes, species extinction especially in polar areas, ecosystem stress and many other long-term impacts. We need to curb our greed to combat climate change and need to shift to green technologies and should plant more and more trees.

We need to lower the usage of conventional fuels and should use non-conventional fuels in place. We are supposed to use energy efficient vehicles and should go for Reduce, Reuse and Recycle of products that will directly help to combat global warming. We need also aware and educate people regarding global warming and climate change so they will act accordingly. Let’s reduce the human induced sufferings of mother earth.