Earth’s climate is dynamic and the climate is changing due to natural and anthropogenic drivers of Climate Change. Climate change can be referred as ” change in the state of Climate that can be identified by changes in the mean or the variability of its properties, and that persists for an extended period of 50 years or longer. The Post- industrialization era resulted in increase of radiatively active gases in the atmosphere leading to increased in global mean surface air temperature. The anthropogenic induced Climate change is a cause of great concern due to impacts on environment.
The earth’s Climate is subjected to a number of influences, these influences are called forcings or drivers. These drivers of Climate change are as, Natural Drivers of Climate change and it includes, Solar variability, Orbital variations, Tectonic processes, Volcanic eruptions while Anthropogenic drivers of Climate change includes, Atmospheric composition (GHGs), Changes in land-use, Change in aerosol level. These drivers are responsible for global climate change and the increase in the concentration of green house gases. The global average atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide is more than 410 parts per million (ppm) that is responsible for the Climate change

There are also agreements like PARIS AGREEMENT which legally binds all states that have expressed their consent to be bound by this agreement and the states are formulating polices that are climate friendly. The USA left officialy the agreement in 2020 while the newly elected President of USA Joe Biden joined the Agreement again to combat global Climate change. To deal with Climate change we need to raise public awareness to deal with Climate Change and we should use green fuels, green technologies, renewable based energy, energy efficient technology, increase in green cover to deal with Climate change and we all need to work for it.

The human induced climate change resulted in Global Temperature rise that has risen about 2.5 degree Fahrenheit due to emissions of green house gases.The global climate change resulted in warming of oceans due to increase in atmospheric temperature and that directly impacted the aquatic life by altering the on time migrations, altering their temperature dependent biological processes and even thermal shocks and stress.
The human induced climate change resulted in shrinking of ice sheets, Glacial retreat, Decreased snow cover, ocean acidification, storms etc. In recent years, there has been a growing concern about Climate change across the globe by both scientific institutions and the academia and currently there lot of organizations working for Climate Change like IPCC and UNFCCC (UN Framework Convention on Climate Change) and the conference of parties (COP) are held every year since COP 1 in 1995-Berlin.
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