The Himalayan ecosystems are home to millions of species and are known for endemism. The Himalayan ecosystems are home to varieties of flora and fauna, which is very hard to find in other parts of the world. These Himalayan ecosystems are home to a series of glaciers and largest watersheds. These Himalayan ecosystems are also among the most complex, inaccessible, remote regions in the world, but anthropogenic changes and human greed have also impacted these beautiful, isolated and biodiverse valleys by human induced climate change.
The human greed and anthropogenic activities have already complicated and increased the wildlife sufferings and also make it impossible for the people to live who are residing amongst its crags and peaks and looking around the current human footprints, it is anticipated that these cumulative effects are likely to snowball in future all across the world and more in Himalayan ecosystems.
The Himalayan ecosystems that is connected from Afghanistan to Myanmar facing a lot of human induced challenges like increase in the temperature mainly, while it has been observed and recorded that the himalayan temperature have risen around two degree Fahrenheit from last decade and it is predicted that it will rise more in future due to mainly global warming and the irreversible climate change.
The ecosystems are vulnerable to climate change and are affected the most due to the deadly climate change. These himalayan regions have already lost a number of glaciers, and the remaining glaciers are receding due to the human driven climate change at very faster rates. The glaciers are retreating and weather patterns are becoming more erratic, disrupting previously reliable water sources for millions and instigating more natural disasters and it is evident from the last few destructions around all parts of the world.
The presence of mountain ecosystems matter the most, and although we are late, we still have time to stand and save these biodiverse mountains and to reduce our footprints for a better future. Climate change impacts every place on earth and every one of us directly or indirectly, from the poles to the tropics, and from the mountains to the oceans. These ecosystems and the dependent people across the world have are already face the adverse effects like floods, droughts, cyclones, glacier retreating, ice calving, shortage in water supplies, hunger, extreme weather events increasing in frequency and intensity, forests burning, and coral reefs dying and many more disastrous events.
Meanwhile Bangus valley that lies in the north of Jammu and Kashmir, which is also a part of himalayan ecosystems, is also facing the same anthropogenic threats from the last couple of years. The valley is home to varieties of endemic flora and fauna and is currently under human invasions in the name of unsustainable development. While the authorities are hardly concerned about the detrimental and disastrous impacts of the unsustainable development. The authorities are constructing roads and residential settlements in the area, without considering any mitigation measures for the wildlife is alarming and disastrous.
Meanwhile in many developed countries the authorities are conducting studies like Environment impact assessment to get the environmental clearance for any developmental project and being in the times of sustainable development it should be compulsory to conduct baselines studies while considering all the aspects of the environment with alternatives and mitigation measures for sustainable development. It will be the wildlife primarily and the coming generations that will face consequences and hardships due to such unsuitable developments. It looks and is very easy to use excavators and construct roads in such biodiverse and fragile regions but it is really very hard to comprehend the loss that wildlife and microbiota face due to such unsustainable developments.
The people of the region should be more familiar with the ill effects of such developments than of praising contractors and other political identities for such unsustainable developments like in constructing roads in Bangus valley. We are not against development, but we are demanding development under sustainable criteria and we are also not in denial that we are totally dependent on wildlife and stand firm to safeguard wildlife, where without wildlife human existence is not possible at all.
Meanwhile, in recent times we are and should demand to notify the area as biosphere reserve or notify the area as a national park as the area falls under the desired criteria. We can still escape the worst impacts of climate change, and build a safer future for all by considering the above facts. It is time to stand for nature and to check the footprints for a better future. We the volunteers and members of Northern conservancy for sustainable future are demanding to notify the area as biosphere reserve or national park for sustainable future and by keeping the area reserved for the wildlife and the actual inhabitants of the area. We are also demanding to promote eco-tourism in the region by a waring people and providing awareness programs about the ill effects of deforestation, devastation and climate change and providing ecotourism training to manage these wild spaces in a better way for a better future.
Yes .we have to change our effective social and use to