Wildlife is at stake and it is time to extend our support and care before they are lost in the wild. Wildlife an amazing gift of nature, without wildlife life humans cannot think of existence as wildlife hold an essential position in the food web. Modern people kill wildlife for fun and sport. Wildlife crime is alarming and needs to be stopped without any further delay. The admiring wildlife is at stake and we all are equally responsible, as we hardly care for wildlife and nature. The rural areas witnessed and admired the beauty of wildlife movement across rural settlements till recent years like a monkey, porcupine, bear, leopard etc as well other migratory birds but due to many reasons, their number got reduced from maximum to rare. #SayNoToWildlifeCrime
The human-wildlife conflict was very less in the past as compared to modern times. Modern people simply kill the wild animals, if they dare to come across their settlements for food and shelter. Habitat loss is one of the major reasons behind the human-wildlife conflict. The people have destroyed the wildlife habitats to fulfil their greed and have let the wildlife die. The deforestation and overexploitation of wild resources have disturbed the wildlife. The human-wildlife conflict is throughout the world and in north KashmirUnexplored Bangus Valley of North Kashmir as well. North Kashmir was rich in wildlife till the last decade, but the modern people have consumed the resources and destroyed their habitats by deforestation and consumed their land as well. The wildlife is under stress due to a lot of anthropogenic activities and many of the species have lost their lives due to harsh and unfavourable conditions. There are many reasons responsible for wildlife loss as well; habitat fragmentation, habitat loss, deforestation, wildlife trade, poaching and hunting as well as urban sprawling.
The authorities stand responsible and the authorities should arrange environmental camps, seminars on the rural level to educate people about wildlife, its benefits as well as the impact if we will not conserve wildlife. If the people had been educated about the benefits of wildlife, they would not have killed the teddy bear. The junior teddy was not even able to save lives and the child was in depression and trauma and not able to decide how to save a life from these beasts. There are a lot of heart-wrenching incidents about the ruthless killing of wildlife, which is unheard of as wildlife is voiceless.
The Times of India reported that more than 24 tigers and 110 leopards have brutally choked to death in last year and by the fact we can imagine how many have lost their lives throughout India. The cases of ruthless killing of wildlife is also alarming in north Kashmir as well. There are thousands of birds & animals which are being caged and their rights to freedom and life are being curbed by the humans and very rare people stand for their rights.

The situation gets worse day by day and it is believed and observed that once the keystone species are extinct the whole food web may get disturbed and the whole system may automatically collapse including so-called human existence. We all are eco-activists and are equally responsible and need not any degree for protection, conservation and management of wildlife and nature as we need the nature to live in. The authorities should come forward with more responsibilities and should frame more laws on wildlife crime to safeguard our own existence directly. #SayNoToWildlifeCrime